Safeguarding Policy


The DoGenius Institute makes a positive contribution to a strong and safe community and recognises the right of every individual to stay safe.


Although The DoGenius Institute do not, on a regular basis work with children, young people and / or vulnerable adults, the outcomes set out in the UK Government directive ‘Every Child Matters’ are extended to work-related learning, work-based situations, and activities that contribute to young people and adults:


       Being Healthy

       Staying Safe

       Enjoying and Achieving

       Making a Positive Contribution

       Achieving Economic Well-Being


The DoGenius Institute understands its responsibility to protect staff from unfounded allegations of abuse.


This policy seeks to ensure that The DoGenius Institute undertakes its responsibilities regarding the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults and will respond to concerns appropriately.


The policy establishes a framework to support paid and unpaid staff in their practices

and clarifies the organisation’s expectations.



Communication of Policies

It is a requirement that staff at The DoGenius Institute can access, read and understand the policy during their induction, along with all The DoGenius Institute staff involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of the qualifications, learners undertaking qualifications and courses with us will understand the organisation policy.


Linked Organisations are aware of the contents of the policy. It is a requirement that they access, read and understand the policy during their audits and that Learners registering for The DoGenius Institute qualifications are shown where to access the policy.



The principal UK legislations governing this policy are:


·      The Children’s Act 1989 & 2004

·      Children and social work Act 2017

·      General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018

·      Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Amended 2018)

·      Counter Terrorism Act and PREVENT duty 2015 (PREVENT 3 Updated 2018)

·      Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

·      Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020.

·      Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme 2004

·      Sexual violence and harassment between children in education. (Advice 2018)

·      Guidance for educational providers on youth-produced sexual imagery. (Advice 2016)



Safeguarding is about embedding practices throughout the organisation, at The DoGenius Institute we embed a culture for:


1.  Empowerment

2.  Prevention

3.  Proportionality

4.  Protection

5.  Partnership

6.  Accountability


Abuse is a selfish act of oppression and injustice, exploitation and manipulation of power by those in a position of authority. This can be caused by those inflicting harm or those who fail to act to prevent harm. Abuse is not restricted to any socio-economic group, gender or culture.


It can take several forms, including the following:

         Physical abuse

         Sexual abuse

         Emotional abuse



         Financial (or material) abuse



Definition of a child:

A child is under the age of 18 (as defined in the United Nations convention on the Rights of a Child).


Definition of Vulnerable Adults:

A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or from being exploited.

This may include a person who:


         Is elderly and frail

         Has a mental illness including dementia

         Has a physical or sensory disability

         Has a learning disability

         Has a severe physical illness

         Is a substance misuser

         Is homeless



All staff (paid, unpaid, employed or contracted) have a responsibility to follow the guidance provided in this policy and related policies, and are responsible for monitoring and managing incidents or concerns and liaising with the relevant safeguarding agencies when appropriate.


We expect all staff to promote good practice by being an excellent role model, contribute to discussions about safeguarding and to positively involve people in developing safe practices.


The DoGenius Institute is accountable for the overall Safeguarding Policy of the organisation and we will act in accordance with the statutory and legislative guidance to safeguard and protect the welfare of Learners, Contractors and our employees.


Additional specific responsibilities


The designated safeguarding officers’ responsibilities are to ensure:


       The policy is in place and appropriate

       The policy is accessible

       The policy is implemented, monitored and reviewed

       The welfare of young people and vulnerable adults is promoted

       Staff (paid and unpaid) have access to appropriate training/information

       Staff concerns about safeguarding are responded to appropriately


The DoGenius Institute are up to date with local arrangements for safeguarding and Disclosure Barring Service (DBS).


Implementation of Policy Stages

The scope of this Safeguarding Policy is broad ranging and in practice, it will be implemented via a range of policies and procedures within the organisation. These include: Anti-Bribery Policy, Data Protection Policy, Drugs Policy, Dignity at Work policy, Prevent Policy, Fraud and Financial Irregularity Policy, Whistleblowing, GDPR, social media Policy and Remote Working


Safe recruitment


The DoGenius Institute ensures safe recruitment through the following processes: Documentary evidence checks to confirm nationality, residency and "right to work" status Organisational induction, Documentary evidence of qualifications.


We also reserve the right to refuse to employ staff who we believe may pose a risk to young people and vulnerable adults.


Disclosure and Barring Service Gap Management

The organisation commits resources to providing Disclosure and Barring Service checks on staff (paid or unpaid) whose roles involve contact with children and /or vulnerable adults.


To avoid DBS gaps, the organisation will when required apply for a Basic DBS check via a registered supplier. This will be conducted during the recruitment and onboarding process. Any assessors or quality assurance contractors will not conduct any assessments or sampling until the DBS check has been returned. Should any evidence of convictions or criminal activity then the organisation will deal with it appropriately.


In addition to checks on recruitment for roles involving contact with children/ vulnerable adults, for established staff the following processes are in place, all DBS checks will be renewed every 3 years.


A 3-year rolling program of re-checking DBS’s is in place for holders where deemed necessary.


Existing staff (paid or unpaid) who transfer from a role which does not require a DBS check to one which involves contact with children / vulnerable adults maybe subject to a DBS check.


Service Delivery contracting and sub-contracting


There will be systematic checking of safeguarding arrangements of partner organisations.


Safeguarding will be a fixed agenda item on any partnership reporting meetings.


Contracts and memorandums of agreement for partnership delivery work will include clear minimum requirements, arrangements for safeguarding and non-compliance procedures.


Communications, Training & Support for Staff

The DoGenius Institute commits resources for induction, training of staff (paid and unpaid), effective communications and support mechanisms in relation to Safeguarding


Induction will include Organisational overview, roles and responsibilities, reporting processes, safeguarding training.



All staff will access safeguarding training relevant to their roles and responsibility. The DoGenius Institute expect staff to establish good practice and assess risk to ensure their practice is likely to protect them from false allegations.

Recognise their responsibilities and report any concerns about suspected poor practice or possible abuse


follow the guidelines for staff


complete DBS checks where required


Communications and discussion of safeguarding issues

Commitment to the following communication methods will ensure effective communication of safeguarding issues and practice: Team Meetings, Individual appraisals, Executive Meeting.



We recognise that involvement in situations where there is risk or actual harm can be stressful for the staff concerned. The mechanisms in place to support staff include:


·      Debriefing support for paid and unpaid staff so that they can reflect on the issues they have dealt with.

·      Signposting to the relevant support.


Professional Boundaries

Professional boundaries are what define the limits of a relationship between staff/contractors and a learner. They are a set of standards we agree to uphold that allows this necessary and often close relationship to exist while ensuring the correct detachment is kept in place.


·      The DoGenius Institute expects staff to protect the professional integrity of themselves and the organisation.

·      The following professional boundaries must be adhered to: Anti Bribery Policy, Dugs Policy, and Receipt of Goods Policy.

·      If professional boundaries and/or policies are breached this could result in disciplinary procedures.



The process outlined below details the stages involved in raising and reporting safeguarding concerns at The DoGenius Institute.


Communicate your concerns with your immediate manager

Seek medical attention for the vulnerable person if needed


Obtain permission to make referral if safe and appropriate


Complete the Local Authority Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Incident Report Form if required and submit to the local authority within 24 hours of making a contact.


Ensure that feedback from the Local Authority is received and their response recorded All staff have a duty to:


Listen carefully - don’t show disbelief or shock.

Ask open questions.

Ask questions to clarify their understanding.

Be clear about what happens next.

Seek advice if they have any concerns

Don’t panic; accurately record what was said as soon as possible.


Don’t make any promises about confidentiality.


Allegations Management

The DoGenius Institute recognises its duty to report concerns or allegations against its staff (paid or unpaid) within the organisation or by a professional from another organisation.


The process for raising and dealing with allegations is as follows:

First step: Any member of staff (paid or unpaid) from The DoGenius Institute is required to report any concerns in the first instance to their line manager/ safeguarding manager/ peer.


Second step- contact local authority for advice.


Third step – follow the advice provided


The DoGenius Institute recognises its legal duty to report any concerns about unsafe practices by any of its paid or unpaid staff to the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA), according to the ISA referral guidance document.



The organisation will monitor the following Safeguarding aspects:


       Safe recruitment practices

       DBS checks undertaken

       References applied for new staff

       Training – register/ record of staff training

       Monitoring whether concerns are being reported and actioned

       Checking that policies are up-to-date and relevant

       Reviewing the current reporting procedure in place

       Presence and action of Designated senior manager responsible for Safeguarding is in post.


Managing Information

Information will be gathered, recorded and stored in accordance with the following policies.

·      Data Protection Policy.


All staff must be aware that they have a professional duty to share information with other agencies to protect young people and vulnerable adults. The public interest in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults may override confidentiality interests. However, information will be shared on a need-to-know basis.

All staff must be aware that they cannot promise learners or their families/ carers that they will keep secrets.


Conflict Resolution & Complaints

The DoGenius Institute is aware of the Complaint policy on resolution of professional disagreements in work relating to the safety of children / Escalation Policy and if necessary, this will be taken forward by the Director.

Conflicts in respect of safety of vulnerable adults will be taken forward by the Director.


Communicating & Reviewing the Policy

The DoGenius Institute will make clients aware of the Safeguarding Policy by uploading it to the website


This policy will be reviewed a minimum of annually and updated where necessary, and in line with statutory guidelines

Last reviewed 16/07/24

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